
Synchresis Sound Quality Statement

At Synchresis Solutions, we believe it’s important to provide the best phone service possible from origination to termination. This does not simply mean efficient call delivery at low cost – although we’re good at that – but a call with the highest sound quality possible.

Synchresis makes the following promises related to sound quality:
  • Synchresis will not engage with handset venders whose products are not tested personally by our co-CEO, Nick Giannak III, who is a sound engineer specializing in the production of spoken word content. While other providers consider flexibility of administration their first priority and sound quality second – if tested for at all – Synchresis insists upon sound quality first.
  • Handset quality is defined most notably by the outgoing audio to the customers. It should have as full a frequency range as landline connections allow, keep plosives (blasts of air caused by P or B sounds) to a minimum within the context of the telephone ergonomic paradigm, and be loud enough to project to your customers while staying free of digital distortion. The same, minus plosive prevention – impossible for incoming audio – applies to the earpieces in our sold handsets.
  • Speakerphones distributed by Synchresis will have the most natural sounding voice processing we can find. Speakerphone audio that is indistinguishable from a typical iPhone connection is unacceptable to us. We specifically test speakerphones for intelligibility at various speaking ranges, which includes testing for unnatural sounding Consonants.
  • Calls shall connect over our partners’ networks as efficiently as we can control. This means as few points of failure between you and your customers as we can provide.
  • The partners we select are rigorously tested for performance and are known to us to deliver a minimum of jitter (breakup/beating on chest effect) and latency (delay between yourself and your called party) as possible. VoIP can exceed the sound quality of copper landlines…This is how we find the partners that manage this.
This fanatical attention to detail is the difference when engaging Synchresis Solutions. Call us today…And listen to the voice in our main menu. We’re here to help make your calls sound that good, too.
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